RadSlidingZone client-side events:
OnClientLoad - raised when the initialization of the RadSlidingZone is complete.
RadSlidingPane client-side events:
- OnClientCollapsing - raised before the RadPane is collapsed.
- OnClientCollapsed - raised when the RadPane is collapsed.
- OnClientExpanding - raised before the RadPane is expanded.
- OnClientExpanded - raised when the RadPane is expanded.
- OnClientResizing - raised before the RadPane is resized.
- OnClientResized - raised when the RadPane is resized.
- OnClientDocking - raised before the RadPane is docked.
- OnClientDocked - raised when the RadPane is docked.
- OnClientUndocking - raised before the RadPane is undocked.
- OnClientUndocked - raised when the RadPane is undocked.
All client-side events take two parameters - sender and arguments:
OnClientLoad(sender, args) {
//sender represents the slidingZone that has fired the event
//the code below obtains the id of the slidingZone that has fired the event
id = sender.get_id();
All events that end in "ing" (i.e. OnClientResizing)" can be cancelled. To do this
you should call the set_cancel(true) method in the event handler:
OnClientResizing(sender, args) {
Once, the OnClientResizing event is cancelled, the slidingPane cannot change its
width and height.