Adding Custom buttons to RadEditor's toolbar
RadEditor provides 4 different ways to add custom buttons to the its toolbar:
- Setting the tools in the RadEditor's declaration:
<telerik:radeditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1">
<telerik:EditorTool Name="ApplySizeColor" Text="Apply Size and Color"/>
<telerik:EditorTool Name="InsertCustomDate" Text="Insert Custom Date"/>
<telerik:EditorTool Name="ResetContent" Text="Reset Content"/>
- Setting the custom buttons via the ToolsFile property:
<telerik:radeditor ToolsFile="~/ToolsFile.xml" runat="server" ID="RadEditor2"></telerik:radeditor>
<tools name="MainToolbar">
<tool name="ApplySizeColor" Text="Apply Size and Color"/>
<tool name="InsertCustomDate" Text="Insert Custom Date"/>
<tool name="ResetContent" Text="Reset Content"/>
- Setting the custom tools programmatically via the codebehind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
EditorToolGroup main = new EditorToolGroup();
EditorTool applySizeColor = new EditorTool();
applySizeColor.Name = "ApplySizeColor";
applySizeColor.Text = "Apply Size and Color";
EditorTool customDate = new EditorTool();
customDate.Name = "InsertCustomDate";
customDate.Text = "Insert Custom Date";
EditorTool reset = new EditorTool();
reset.Text = "Reset Content";
reset.Name = "ResetContent";
- Setting the tools by using Theme:
In your .skin file:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" %>
<telerik:radeditor runat="server" SkinId="SomeTools">
<telerik:EditorTool Name="ApplySizeColor" Text="Apply Size and Color"/>
<telerik:EditorTool Name="InsertCustomDate" Text="Insert Custom Date"/>
<telerik:EditorTool Name="ResetContent" Text="Reset Content"/>
Once the skin is set, you need to declare it in the RadEditor's declaration by using the SkinId property:
runat="server" ID="RadEditor4">
Note: More information on how to use ASP.NET 2.x Themes is available in MSDN.
Declaring the custom CommandList that will be executed when the buttons are clicked:
After adding the custom toolbar buttons to the editor's toolbar, you should define their commands. In the page with the editor (after the <telerik:RadEditor ... declaration), add the following script:
<script type="text/javascript">
Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList["ApplySizeColor"] = function(commandName, editor, args)
{"FontSize", {value : "4"}); //fire the FontSize command"ForeColor", {value : "red"}); //fire the ForeColor command
Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList["InsertCustomDate"] = function(commandName, editor, args)
editor.pasteHtml('<span style="width:200px;border: 1px dashed #bb0000;background-color: #fafafa;color: blue;"> ' + new Date() + ' </span>');
Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList["ResetContent"] = function(commandName, editor, args)
editor.set_html(""); //set empty content
If a custom tool is added without a CommandList command, then the clicked button will pop up a message that the command [commandname] is not implemented yet.
Set icons for the custom buttons
To improve the appearance of the custom buttons provide image files for them and declare or import with a <link> tag the following CSS classes in the page with the editor:
<style type="text/css">
.reTool .InsertCustomDate
background-image: url(InsertDate.gif);
.reTool .ApplySizeColor
background-image: url(Custom.gif);
.reTool .ResetContent
background-image: url(Cancel.gif);
The syntax to follow is:
<style type="text/css">
.reTool .<commandName>
background-image: url(MyImage.gif) !important;
Related Resources