In this demo is shown how data can be imported from an iCalendar file to RadScheduler. RadAsyncUpload is used
to upload the file with extension "ics" and
pass the information about the appointments to RadScheduler.
In order to achieve this we are using DDay.iCal .Net Library, which offers a rich object model for reading and manipulating iCalendar files and data.
Event, To-Do and Journal components which read from the iCalendar file are imported in RadScheduler
as AppointmentInfo objects. Events' Recurrence Rules are parsed in a way as if they were created by
the interface which RadScheduler offers (in the Advanced
Edit Form). To-Dos and Journal entries are imported as 'All Day Events' as most often they do not have End Date or Duration specified.
In the current implementation the import of some appointments with more complex structure of the recurrence exceptions is not supported.