MonthYearPicker exposes a rich
client-side API that allows you to control its behavior.
You can manipulate the Min/MaxDate properties by the following client-side functions:
- get_minDate( ) - Returns the date, representing the MinDate of the datepicker.
- set_minDate(date) - if the date is valid, the datepicker MinDate is set to it.
- get_maxDate( ) - Returns the date, representing the MaxDate of the datepicker.
- set_maxDate(date) - if the date is valid, the datepicker MaxDate is set to it.
You can manipulate the date selection by using the GetDate()/SetDate(newValue) method pair:
var selectedDate = monthyearPicker.get_selectedDate();
var year = (selectedDate.getFullYear() + 1);
var month = (selectedDate.getMonth());
var date = selectedDate.getDate();
monthyearPicker.set_selectedDate(new Date(year, month, date)); The datepicker child controls (RadDateInput and DatePopupButton) are available via the DateInput and DatePopupButton properties.