You can add more than one type of series in a RadHtmlChart control.
LineSeries and BarSeries or LineSeries and ColumnSeries.
The LineSeries, BarSeries and ColumnSeries
use an X-axis, based on categories, which allows such series combination. See the first two examples.
ScatterSeries and ScatterLineSeries. These series has a numeric x-axis so you can add them both in a single
RadHtmlChart, which is demonstrated in the third example.
In the fourth chart you can examine a PieSeries. This type of series does not
use axes thus you cannot combine it with another series.
You can also combine the following set of series:
RadarAreaSeries, RadarColumnSeries and RadarLineSeries. The series uses a common radar plot area, so they
can present on a common chart.
PolarAreaSeries, PolarLineSeries and PolarScatterSeries . The series uses a common polar plot area, so they
can present on a common chart.