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jQuery Arc Gauge AngularJS
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Change Theme
defaultDefault Theme
- Main
- Main Dark
- Nordic
- Ocean Blue
- Ocean Blue A11Y
- Purple
- Turquoise
Bootstrap Theme- Main
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap 3 Dark
- Main Dark
- Nordic
- Turquoise
- Turquoise Dark
- Urban
- Vintage
Material Theme- Main
- Arctic
- Lime Dark
- Main Dark
- Nova
Classic Theme- Main
- Green
- Green Dark
- Lavender
- Lavender Dark
- Main Dark
- Metro
- Metro Dark
- Moonlight
- Opal
- Opal Dark
- Silver
- Silver Dark
- Uniform
Fluent Theme- Main
The Kendo UI Arc Gauge features inborn integration with AngularJS using directives which are officially supported as part of the product. To make use of this integration, you need to reference the Angular scripts in your app and register the module incorporating the Kendo UI directives in the following way:
angular.module("KendoDemos", [ "kendo.directives" ])
As of R2 2022 Kendo UI officially has dropped the support for AngularJS 1.x through Kendo UI for jQuery.