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ASP.NET Core ColorGradient Keyboard Navigation

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The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core ColorGradient is a single-tab-stop component. It implements inner navigation that can be activated by pressing the Enter key. When inner navigation is activated, the focus is trapped within the component. To return to the page navigation, the user must press Esc.

  • Access key + w Focuses the ColorGradient wrapper.

Keyboard shortcuts available when ColorGradient wrapper is focused:

  • Tab navigates to the next focusable element after the ColorGradient
  • Shift + Tab navigates to the previous focusable element before the ColorGradient
  • Enter Activates the inner ColorGradient navigation.

Keyboard shortcuts available when inner ColorGradient navigation has been activated:

  • Tab navigates to the next ColorGradient element
  • Shift + Tab navigates to the previous ColorGradient Element
  • Enter / Space When the Toggle format button is focused, changes the format between RGB and HEX.
  • Arrow Up / Right When any of the ColorGradient's sliders is focused, increases its value. When the drag handle in the ColorGradient canvas is focused, moves it in the corresponding direction.
  • Arrow Down / Left When any of the ColorGradient's sliders is focused, decreases its value. When the drag handle in the ColorGradient canvas is focused, moves it in the corresponding direction.
  • Esc Returns focus to the wrapper element.

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This ColorGradient example is part of unique collection of hundreds of ASP.NET Core demos, with which you can see all Telerik ASP.NET Core components and their features in action. View the source code of the demos from the library or directly adapt, and edit them and their theme appearance in Telerik REPL for ASP.NET Core or ThemeBuilder.

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