It is easy to configure a RadSlider control at runtime by changing the values of its server properties.
This example demonstrates how you can use the following properties:
SelectedRegionStartValue - The SelectedRegionStartValue property defines the rotator value from which the selected region starts. IsSelectionRangeEnabled should be set to false in order to be able to use this property.
Orientation - The Orientation property defines how the slider will be displayed in the page - vertically or horizontally.
SmallChange - Using the SmallChange property, you can create a "discrete" slider which will change its value in the defined steps.
LargeChange - Using the LargeChange property, you can define what should be the change in the value of the slider when the user clicks on the track.
AnimationDuration - The AnimationDuration property defines how long (in milliseconds) the animation of the sliding will run.
Enabled - Enables or disables the RadSlider control.
TrackMouseWheel - Using the TrackMouseWheel property, you can define if the value of the slider should be changed when the user is using the mousewheel over the track.
LiveDrag - The LiveDrag property defines when the value of the RadSlider changes - while you drag the dragHandle or when you release the dragHandle.
IsDirectionReversed - The IsDirectionReversed property defines the position of the MinimumValue and MaximumValue.
Width - The Width property defines the width of the RadSlider control.
Height - The Height property defines the height of the RadSlider control.
Value - Using the Value property, you can set the initial value of the slider.
SelectionStart - Using the SelectionStart property, you can set the first value of the slider in case IsSelectionRangeEnabled property is set to true.
SelectionEnd - Using the SelectionEnd property, you can set the second value of the slider in case IsSelectionRangeEnabled property is set to true.
MinimumValue - The MinimumValue property defines the smallest possible value of the RadSlider.
MaximumValue - The MaximumValue property defines the largest possible value of the RadSlider.
TrackPosition - The TrackPosition property defines the position of the track element in the RadSlider.
ItemType - The ItemType property defines the type of the slider items - Tick, Item or None.
ShowDragHandle - Using the ShowDragHandle property, you can configure the RadSlider not to display dragHandle(s).
ShowDecreaseHandle - Using the ShowDecreaseHandle property, you can configure the RadSlider not to display a decrease handle.
ShowIncreaseHandle - Using the ShowIncreaseHandle property, you can configure the RadSlider not to display an increase handle.
IsSelectionRangeEnabled - The IsSelectionRangeEnabled property defines whether the RadSlider should display one or two dragHandles.
EnableDragRange - Using the EnableDragRange property, you can specify whether the user can change both the SelectionStart and the SelectionEnd properties of the slider by dragging the selected region element.